Mr. Standfast

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton

June 15, 2005

This and That

Dan at Eucatastophe has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers. Lots of really interesting stuff on his sidebar, for one thing. There you'll find some great articles, including Gospel Driven Sanctification by Jerry Bridges. That's where I discovered this quote from the 17th century Evangelical divine, William Romaine:

No sin can be crucified either in heart or life unless it first is pardoned in conscience.... If it be not mortified in its guilt, it cannot be subdued in its power.
I've been wanting to post that quote to the blog for two weeks now. There. Now I'm satisfied.

Another Blogger I must note here is Rob at Miscellanies on the Gospel. Besides being a redneck NASCAR guy (God bless them one and all), he's also another Gospel-centered blogger, and has honored me with the first ever MOG POG Award. Rob explains the "POG" part, but I'm still clueless about the "MOG." Nevertheless, I do like getting awards. This is the first I've received since, oh, about the 4th grade. Cool!


Blogger Milton Stanley said...

Maybe MOG is an acronym for Rob's blog. In any case, way to go, Bob!

9:48 PM  
Blogger Bob Spencer said...

Well of course! Why didn't I thinka that???

7:38 AM  

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