Mr. Standfast

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton

April 29, 2005

Ten More

1) Wish I'd said that: "I think that anything other than a heartfelt ache and longing for Jesus to return is well beneath what God has for us and what we are to embrace in these days." Greg Burnett

2 & 3) I will keep on pointing you to Out of the Bloo until, well, until he stops posting things like this from An Hour is all the enemy gets:

Even when I'm discouraged, tired, and fearful, may the sparks of joy that I feel even now be set ablaze. May I have the same attitude that was in You, and may I rejoice to pour myself out for others, as You did.
And this from "he shall be high and lifted up":
I can write these words on a page, on the internet, but may I write on the wall with my blood, 'Jesus is alive'. I can write these words, but will people know that You are my one and only? Do I even understand that?
4) Bill Streger features a baseball analogy for the Christian life. Loving baseball as I do, I find it downright irresistible. Also, it makes sense.

5) John at Scotwise quotes Dr. Edwards:
I go out to preach with two propositions in mind. First, every person ought to give his life to Christ. Second, whether or not anyone else gives him his life I will give him mine.
6) New to my blogroll, welcome Bryan's Nonsense. Subtitle: "People have problems; God has solutions." Great post: A Peculiar People. I mean, GREAT post!

7) Though Jared is on a temporary sabbatical from Mysterium Tremendum, he's still posting to The Thinklings. Edifying, enouraging, and enlightening! [And no, this is not quid pro quo for Jared's kind words about Mr. Standfast here!]

8) Violet at Promptings links to some fine poetry sites, including one of my favorite modern poems, Jane Kenyon's Let the Evening Come.

9) My son Nate is at Merlefest this weekend. Many of his (and my) musical heroes will be performing there. Amost heaven!

10) Finally, Jenni works on a Mercy Ship in West Africa. She blogs her experiences there in the inspiring Vessels of Mercy. This is kingdom blogging at its finest. Read I once was blind but . . . if you don't believe me.


Blogger Jenni said...

Thanks for the link to my blog. I appreciate your comments. I consider it an honor to write about what God is doing in my part of the world.

7:16 PM  

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