Mr. Standfast

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton

November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

There will probably be light blogging for the rest of the week. I'm just stopping by to mention that. It's Thanksgiving in America tomorrow, of course, and there will be much feasting, and then afterward much groaning. That's just the way it seems to go. We will have our boys with us, and Megan, a friend of the family. I've spent the morning baking pies, and soon will start in pealing potatoes. Yahoo!

In the meantime, if you happen to visit while I'm away, why not have a thorough check of the blogroll. There are a couple of newbies on there. For example, Feeble Knees. She's a New Englander, she links to me, and she's a Red sox fan. What more do you need to know? Oh, and did I mention, the Red Sox are World Champions?

Promptings is another new kid on the blogroll. A Canadian, too. Does every Christian in Canada have a blog?

And of course there are the old-timers like Rebecca at Rebecca Writes (yes, another Canadian), Mike at To Be Least (formerly known as The Blogging Teen), and Susan at What a Beautiful Day, all of whom have been with me from nearly the beginning of this crazy enterprise.

Oh yes, and do check out the always interesting One Life. He doesn't post frequently, but he posts with clarity, which is even better.

Finally, imagine that the recent goings on at an NBA game in Detroit (surely you've heard and seen--no need to provide a link) had happened instead at the symphony? Well, actually, there's no need to imagine it. Better Living already has.

Finally (#2), I want to leave you with something valuable, since I may not be back till next week. How 'bout a quotation from Nouwen:

If we do not wait patiently in expectation for God's coming in glory, we start wandering around, going from one little sensation to another. Our lives get stuffed with newspaper items, television stories, and gossip. Then our minds lose the discipline of discerning between what leads us closer to God and what doesn't, and our hearts gradually lose their spiritual sensitivity.

Without waiting for the second coming of Christ, we will stagnate quickly and become tempted to indulge in whatever gives us a moment of pleasure. When Paul asks us to wake from sleep, he says: "Let us live decently, as in the light of day; with no orgies or drunkenness, no promiscuity or licentiousness, and no wrangling or jealousy. Let your armour be the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop worrying about how your disordered natural inclinations may be fulfilled" (Romans 13:13-14). When we have the Lord to look forward to, we can already experience him in the waiting.

When we have the Lord to look forward to we can already experience him in the waiting.


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