Mr. Standfast

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton

October 24, 2004

Heads Up!

I want to draw your attention to a blog called aintsobad. It's really one fellow's record of his divine appointments, which is the kind of thing I really love. Here's a lengthy quote from a recent post, his basic instructions for practicing relational evangelism:

Live like you ought to live.
Strengthen the love relationship between you and God.
Invite people to walk with you, talk with you, eat with you and join your ministry so that they see what a ministry looks like and how a minister lives.

Here are some new guidelines.

Be the kind of person who talks with other people.
Be the kind of person with whom other people talk.
Listen, love and then lead.
Do not need to be right all the time.
Do not need to win since that implies someone else loses.

Jesus gives His first tactical command on evangelism in Matthew 9:38. It is the word pray, written in the Present Active Imperative (command of continuous action, meaning start doing this when you hear about it and do not stop). He gives instruction as to what to pray. This is significant because, though Jesus is shown praying in the gospels, His disciples have to ask Him to teach them certain prayers. This one He volunteers.

So, pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He send forth laborers to the Harvest. Then, imitate Jesus. Soon people will start to approach you in ways that you cannot now imagine.
Click over to aintsobad and spend the time. You might find he's well worth adding to your own blogroll.


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