Mr. Standfast

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton

November 12, 2003

I've just started reading The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Gifts by Sam Storms. I'm looking for something that our group can read through together, something that focuses on spiritual formation but is not "over our heads." The Storms book might be the one.

My devotional time this morning was, for the first time in a while, satisfying! I have been reading Colossians every day for the past week, and this morning I began to write out some summary-thoughts about the book, especially the first two chapters. I'm sure there's nothing particularly eye-opening or useful to others about this scribbling, but it did me a world of good. After that I was able to pray with more fervor and eagerness than has been the case lately. So that was all good!

Today's quote comes from C. S. Lewis. It's an observation about reading, lifted from his An Experiment in Criticism: "We are not content to be Leibnitzian monads. We demand windows. Literature as Logos is a series of windows, even of doors. One of the things we feel after reading a great work is 'I have got out.' Or from another point of view, 'I have got in'; pierced the shell of some other monad and discovered what it is like inside."

Yes, precisely. Although I had to look up monad.


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