Mr. Standfast

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton

October 29, 2003

The Cross. Yes. If I were to begin again, it would have to be hear. Seeing again, hearing again, receiving again.

I want to talk about receiving the grace of God. I am thinking out loud here, not sure of myself, but bear with me. The New Testament presents a picture of life "in Him." It is a life primarily described or defined by the word "grace." "The grace in which we stand" is Paul's matter-of-fact description of that life. I'm suggesting that most of the time our relationship to it is very much like that which we have with our natural environment--the air we breathe, say. In other words, most of the time we're completely unaware. We take it for granted.

Do you remember the scene in Wilder's Our Town, where the daughter, returning to her old life from the grave, asks beseechingly, Is there anyone who goes through life really appreciating it. Really knowing what they've got, how precious and brief it is?

Well, grace is like that. So often lost on us. Appreciated in theory on Sunday mornings, but only really glimpsed (received, felt, known) on rare occasions.

And so we come again to Calvary, the holy place. The throne of grace. "Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

The author of Hebrews is writing to Christians and instructing them to draw near to the throne of grace. But not as an hireling or peasant coming into the presence of authority, hat in hand, but boldly (KJV), or with confidence (NAV). And remember, he's not writing to non-believers, but to believers. He is calling them to return, again and again, in every time of need, to the One who is the source of grace.

There is much more I want to say about all this, but I'm running out of time. Grace and peace to you. Back soon.


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